Classroom Co-Creators | Project-Based Learning

Put students at the center of your classroom design *literally* with this project-based learning opportunity!


What does your classroom say about your students?

When we design our classrooms, we often put a whole lot of ourselves and our preferences into the design, but what happens when students create a classroom design that they think is best for themselves? That is exactly what we are exploring with this 'Classroom Co-Creators' project.

The Assignment

'Classroom Co-Creators' puts the students in charge of deciding how the classroom should be set up. They will audit the classroom's use and needs, and then design a space that they believe will work best for both the students and the teacher.

Engage + Empower Your Students...

Giving students agency to make decisions in the classroom is a great step toward helping them see what kind of impact their ideas can have. This is only the beginning! Get the ENTIRE kit of resources today for the steal-rate of just $12!

Got Questions?

I've got answers! Drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll be sure to get back to you lickety-split!


50% Complete

Two Step

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