$12.00 USD


Ready to catapult your writers from burnt-out to bought in?

Want fresh, forward-thinking lesson ideas to last you an entire learning cycle?

Get the ‘Reimagine Writing’ Mini-Project Playbook, featuring 5, project-based writing experiences your students won’t soon forget!

Includes: detailed project/lesson plans (warm-up, lessons, assessment, reflection); student-friendly resources for each project; Learning Goals Guide; access to interactive dashboard for questions + feedback.  ALL for just $22!

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Photo Essay Resource 'Super Stack'

In this activity, students will use the power of images to deliver their argument. They'll hone skills in line of reasoning + real-world communication. But in this argument...NO words allowed!

Includes printable AND digital versions of:

  • Teacher packet
  • Instructor's script
  • Slide deck
  • Student packet
  • Student reflection sheet
  • BONUS: Ethical use of photos/images kit

In a social media-driven era, our students read -- even write! -- in images (hello, laugh-cry emoji face).

So why not meet our learners where they ARE in order to truly take them where they need to go as expert communicators in a modern world?!

Let's do this!