Analog Social Network

Practice student writing | Build classroom culture

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What is the Analog Social Network?

The Analog Social Network isĀ the perfect project to practice student writing skills while building classroom community at the same time.Ā  Just like the network of connections they build on social media in the real world, your students will create the analog version of that right inside your classroom!

Good projects for teens are hard to find...

...especially those that deal with real-world writing scenarios. But this unit has it all: research, writing, discussion, presentation, analysis of social media, and real-world contexts. This resource brings with it lesson plans, handouts, editable teacher pages, and suggested standards for assessment (see for yourself below!). Everything is printable for in-class use, and digital PDFs are also provided.

The Resource Kit

This unit is divided into 5 levels that you can *sprinkle in* over the course of your semester. The foundations laid in Level I are great for the beginning of the year, then simply add in the Levels to follow at your own will! Your students are sure to develop consistent writing habits, learn about themselves and one another, and gain experience in using social media platforms for ~professional~ purposes!

Level 1

Explore Your Strengths

Level 2

Create Your Profile

Level 3

Build Your Network

Level 4

Create-Your-Own Interface

Level 5

On-Going Writing Practice

Engage + Empower Your Writers...

Meet your students where they are in order to take them where they need to go! Get this ENTIRE kit of resources today for the steal-rate of just $22!

Got Questions?

I've got answers! Drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll be sure to get back to you lickety-split!


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